
Asset class: fasta
Description: DNA sequences in the FASTA format, indexed FASTA (produced with samtools index), chromosome sizes file and FASTA dict (produced with samtools dict)


Refgenie CLI pull command

refgenie pull bos_taurus-ncbi-btau_461/fasta:samtools-1.10

API endpoints

Asset directory contents

  • http | s3: eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.chrom.sizes
  • http | s3: eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.dict
  • http | s3: eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.fa
  • http | s3: eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.fa.fai
  • http | s3: fasta/eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.chrom.sizes
  • http | s3: fasta/eaac6b1abf4044de7987a63f860d4a06b7fa5f2b7489545b.dict